Internet Troll Apologizes (He Confused This Blog with The Orlando Weekly)

Internet Troll: A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues. Such arguments can happen on blogs, Facebook, Myspace and a host of others.  Definition by Urban Dictionary.

On a recent post about a local establishment, a troll posted a comment.

Troll arguement


I feel embarrassed for responding.  To make matters worse, the argument continued.

Troll arguement 2


The next morning I received an e-mail from him. You can read the words underneath the pic.

Internet troll apologizes

Hello there,

Woke up today and realized how shitheaded I was to leave those comments on your blog.  Truth be told I thought that it was the Orlando weekly. Not that that’s some excuse, but I actually already found your blog before and I liked it, it’s not something I’d want to shit on but rather something very nice you do that should be supported.  Thanks for being a good sport about it,  I really need to not use the Internet when I’ve had a night involving three types of liquor.  In summary, I’m sorry pal. None of that stuff I wrote was even a little necessary for me to say and keep up the good work.

-Stephen Yeago

I’m not mad at the guy for trolling.  Trolls attacking my blogs are a good thing. If a blog is shitty, trolls won’t attack it.

What does catch my attention is his confusing this blog with the Orlando Weekly.  I really don’t know how to take that.

As for being a “bro”, I think “bro” is in reference to white frat boys. Not “brothas” which references black guys.  Yet, as for being a “bro” blog, the occasional booty pic does appear.

Mi VIda Loca Booty

Yet, this isn’t really a “bro” blog.

All is forgiven, Steven. Thanx for inspiring another blog.