A Party Pic of George Zimmerman’s Lawyer Mark O’Mara

During George Zimmerman’s trial, his lawyer Mark O’Mara looked familiar to me. Yes, I am referring to the infamous George Zimmerman, the idiot who killed an unarmed black teenager in Sanford, Florida. I wondered if his lawyer and I ever crossed paths. As time passed, I thought nothing of it.

Come to find out, Mark O’Mara and I did cross paths before.  Going through some photos, I found this 2002 pic. That’s him on the left.

mark o'mara 2002 party pic

This was at the now-closed Knock Knock in Downtown Orlando. The guy on the right is Tony Woodley.  Mark was his divorce lawyer.

If I remember right, I think Mark O’Mara showed up at parties Tony hosted at his now-closed Shine Salon. Also, if I remember right, Mark O’Mara was quiet. Didn’t speak much.

As someone who photographs the nightlife, you never know who you might come across. For all you know, you may be photographing a person who eventually becomes famous (or infamous).